One or more shareholders or directors
(No nationality restrictions)
Provide a UK statutory secretary
(Our company provides a professional UK secretary)
Provide a UK
registered address
The minimum registered capital is £ 1, and our company can provide a maximum of £ 100 million without the need for actual payment
Provide the company name for registration and conduct a name search
Sign the agreement and prepay the registration deposit
Government processes for registration
Original copy of registered courier company
Usually takes 1-3 working days; typically requires completion of the company registration application form by shareholders without the need for additional documents.
If your company is of limited liability nature and complies with UK company law, it can be registered with names containing "UK" or sensitive terms like "Investment." Additionally, shareholders can be single or multiple, with no nationality restrictions.
Registration information can be queried on the UK Companies House website within 24 hours of completion (UK Companies House provides online free query services from 7 am to 12 am UK time).
From a global economic and capital operation perspective, the UK is the second-largest financial center after the United States. Coupled with its significant position in Europe and close economic ties with North America and the entire Commonwealth, companies registered in the UK often enjoy a favorable reputation worldwide.
Companies registered in the UK can provide strong assistance for shareholders to visit the UK for inspection purposes.
From a macroeconomic perspective, the UK government does not allow direct administrative intervention in the economy, providing investors with significant freedom.